
"Je vous donne un commandement nouveau : c'est de vous aimer les uns les autres.


Comme je vous ai aimés, vous aussi aimez-vous les uns les autres.


Ce qui montrera à tous les hommes que vous êtes mes disciples, c'est l'amour que vous aurez les uns pour les autres."


Evangile de Jésus-Christ selon  saint Jean 




" Le Défenseur, l'Esprit Saint que le Père enverra en mon nom, lui, vous enseignera tout, et il vous fera souvenir de tout ce que je vous ai dit."


Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Jean  




 El Papa es argentino. Jorge Bergoglio                 

Saint Père François



La Manif Pour Tous 

La Manif Pour Tous photo C de Kermadec

La Manif Pour Tous Facebook 



Les Veilleurs Twitter 

Les Veilleurs

Les Veilleurs Facebook





1er mai 2011 Béatification de Jean-Paul II

Béatification du Serviteur de Dieu Jean-Paul II



  Béatification du Père Popieluszko

beatification Mass, in Warsaw, Poland

à Varsovie, 6 juin 2010, Dimanche du Corps et du Sang du Christ



presidential palace in Warsaw

Varsovie 2010



Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre
Sanctuaire de l'Adoration Eucharistique et de la Miséricorde Divine

La miséricorde de Dieu est comme un torrent débordé. Elle entraîne les cœurs sur son passage.
(Saint Curé d'Ars)


Le côté du Christ a été transpercé et tout le mystère de Dieu sort de là. C’est tout le mystère de Dieu qui aime, qui se livre jusqu’au bout, qui se donne jusqu’au bout. C’est le don le plus absolu qui soit. Le don du mystère trinitaire est le cœur ouvert. Ce n’est pas une image, c’est une réalité. C’est la réalité la plus profonde qui soit, la réalité de l’amour.
Père Marie-Joseph Le Guillou

Dans le cœur transpercé
de Jésus sont unis
le Royaume du Ciel
et la terre d'ici-bas
la source de la vie
pour nous se trouve là.

Ce cœur est cœur divin
Cœur de la Trinité
centre de convergence
de tous les cœur humains
il nous donne la vie
de la Divinité.

Sainte Thérèse Bénédicte de la Croix
(Edith Stein)

Le Sacré-Cœur représente toutes les puissances d'aimer, divines et humaines, qui sont en Notre-Seigneur.
Père Marie-Eugène de l'Enfant Jésus


feuille d'annonces de la Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre









The Cambrai Madonna

Notre Dame de Grâce

Cathédrale de Cambrai




Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris 


Ordinations du samedi 27 juin 2009 à Notre Dame de Paris

la vidéo sur KTO



Solennité de l’Immaculée Conception de la Vierge Marie à Notre-Dame de Paris


Notre-Dame des Victoires

... ma vocation, enfin je l’ai trouvée, ma vocation, c’est l’Amour !




Voyages de Benoît XVI



Saint Pierre et Saint André




Benedict XVI and Cypriot Archbishop Chrysostomos, Church of 

Salutation avec l'Archevêque Chrysostomos à l'église d' Agia Kyriaki Chrysopolitissa de Paphos, le vendredi 4 juin 2010




Benoît XVI en Terre Sainte  


Visite au chef de l'Etat, M. Shimon Peres

Visite au mémorial de la Shoah, Yad Vashem


Yahad-In Unum


Vicariat hébréhophone en Israël



Mgr Fouad Twal

Patriarcat latin de Jérusalem



Vierge de Vladimir  





30 avril 2011 6 30 /04 /avril /2011 15:40

A priest talks to nuns before they travel from Warsaw to Rome April 29, 2011 for Pope John Paul II's beatification ceremony. About 800 pilgrims departed from Poland by train to witness Sunday's beatification ceremony at the Vatican. 


Polish pilgrims greet one another as they prepare to travel from Warsaw to Rome April 29, 2011 for Pope John Paul II's beatification ceremony. About 800 pilgrims departed from Poland by train to witness Sunday's beatification ceremony at the Vatican.


Polish pilgrims wave as they prepare to travel from Warsaw to Rome April 29, 2011 for Pope John Paul II's beatification ceremony. About 800 pilgrims departed from Poland by train to witness Sunday's beatification ceremony at the Vatican.


Pigrims wave crosses as a special train leaves for Rome, in Warsaw, Poland, Friday, April 29, 2011. About 800 pilgrims took a special train to join tens of thousands of Poles attending the upcoming beatification of Pope John Paul II. The writing reads: Have no fear. Open the doors to Christ.


A Polish pilgrim waves a cross at Warsaw station as he prepares to travel to Rome April 29, 2011 for Pope John Paul II's beatification ceremony. About 800 pilgrims departed from Poland by train to witness the beatification ceremony of the late Pope John Paul II at the Vatican on Sunday.


Priest Michal Wudarczyk blesses pilgrims after praying in a train during a journey from Warsaw to Rome for Pope John Paul II's beatification ceremony, April 29, 2011. About 800 pilgrims departed from Poland by train to witness the beatification ceremony at the Vatican.


Polish nuns travel on a special train leaves for Rome, in Warsaw, Poland, late evening Friday, April 29, 2011. About 800 pilgrims took a special train to join tens of thousands of Poles attending the upcoming beatification of Pope John Paul II.


Polish pilgrims travel on a special train leaves for Rome, in Warsaw, Poland, late evening Friday, April 29, 2011. About 800 pilgrims took a special train to join tens of thousands of Poles attending the upcoming beatification of Pope John Paul II.


A Polish priest travels among with pilgrims on a special train leaves for Rome, in Warsaw, Poland, late evening Friday, April 29, 2011. About 800 pilgrims took a special train to join tens of thousands of Poles attending the upcoming beatification of Pope John Paul II.  


French pilgrims stand beside a police car after arriving by special train at the central railway station in Rome on April 30, 2011, on the eve of the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II. Thousands of pilgrims swarmed into central Rome on a drizzly day amid tight security measures on the eve of a ceremony for late pope John Paul II's beatification, a critical step towards sainthood.


Pilgrims arrive as they gather to honour Pope John Paul II on the eve of his Beatification at St. Peter's square in the Vatican on April 30, 2011. Thousands of pilgrims swarmed into central Rome on a drizzly amid tight security measures on the eve of a ceremony for late pope John Paul II's beatification, a critical step towards sainthood.


Polish Pilgrims stand behind their national flag as they wait in line to enter St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican on April 30, 2011, a day ahead of the ceremony of Beatification for the late Pope John Paul II. Thousands of excitable pilgrims swarmed into central Rome on Saturday on the eve of a ceremony to mark late pope John Paul II's step towards sainthood, as the Vatican geared up for the show.


French pilgrims disembark on April 30, 2011 in Civitavecchia port, some 60 kilometers from Rome, from a ferry chartered for some 700 French believers of Arles and Aix-en-Provence's diocese coming to The Vatican for the beatification of late Pope John Paul II the day after. French nun Marie Simon-Pierre, whose unexplained healing was the miracle that qualified John Paul for beatification is also from the same diocese.




Pilgrims wait in line to enter St. Peter's Basilica in St. Peter's Square in the Vatican on April 30, 2011, a day ahead of the Beatification ceremony for the late Pope John Paul II. Thousands of excitable pilgrims swarmed into central Rome on the eve of a ceremony to mark late pope John Paul II's step towards sainthood, as the Vatican geared up for the show.


Sévères mesures de sécurités renforcées

An Italian Police officer instructs his dogon the stage in Rome's Circus Maximus prior to an all-night prayer vigil ahead of Sunday's beatification of late Pope John Paul II, Saturday, April 30, 2011. An all-night prayer vigil begins Saturday night in Rome's Circus Maximus, featuring testimony from the French nun whose inexplicable cure from Parkinson's disease was the miracle needed to beatify John Paul. On Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI will beatify John Paul in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.


A member of the faithful wears a t-shirt with a picture of Pope John Paul II at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican April 30, 2011. The late Pope John Paul II will be beatified on May 1, 2011.  


A Polish choir sings beneath the Colonnade in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Saturday, April 30, 2011. On Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI will beatify John Paul II in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 


A sister passes near a sign reading, "Pope John Paul II" during an exhibition in the Vatican April 28, 2011. The Vatican is preparing to elevate the late pontiff, John Paul II, one step closer to sainthood on Sunday in a ceremony of beatification.   




Pope John Paul II presents the host to the faithful, during the mass he celebrates in Ars, Lyon's area, center France, on October 6, 1986. It is his 31th International Pastoral visit.




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