
"Je vous donne un commandement nouveau : c'est de vous aimer les uns les autres.


Comme je vous ai aimés, vous aussi aimez-vous les uns les autres.


Ce qui montrera à tous les hommes que vous êtes mes disciples, c'est l'amour que vous aurez les uns pour les autres."


Evangile de Jésus-Christ selon  saint Jean 




" Le Défenseur, l'Esprit Saint que le Père enverra en mon nom, lui, vous enseignera tout, et il vous fera souvenir de tout ce que je vous ai dit."


Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Jean  




 El Papa es argentino. Jorge Bergoglio                 

Saint Père François



La Manif Pour Tous 

La Manif Pour Tous photo C de Kermadec

La Manif Pour Tous Facebook 



Les Veilleurs Twitter 

Les Veilleurs

Les Veilleurs Facebook





1er mai 2011 Béatification de Jean-Paul II

Béatification du Serviteur de Dieu Jean-Paul II



  Béatification du Père Popieluszko

beatification Mass, in Warsaw, Poland

à Varsovie, 6 juin 2010, Dimanche du Corps et du Sang du Christ



presidential palace in Warsaw

Varsovie 2010



Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre
Sanctuaire de l'Adoration Eucharistique et de la Miséricorde Divine

La miséricorde de Dieu est comme un torrent débordé. Elle entraîne les cœurs sur son passage.
(Saint Curé d'Ars)


Le côté du Christ a été transpercé et tout le mystère de Dieu sort de là. C’est tout le mystère de Dieu qui aime, qui se livre jusqu’au bout, qui se donne jusqu’au bout. C’est le don le plus absolu qui soit. Le don du mystère trinitaire est le cœur ouvert. Ce n’est pas une image, c’est une réalité. C’est la réalité la plus profonde qui soit, la réalité de l’amour.
Père Marie-Joseph Le Guillou

Dans le cœur transpercé
de Jésus sont unis
le Royaume du Ciel
et la terre d'ici-bas
la source de la vie
pour nous se trouve là.

Ce cœur est cœur divin
Cœur de la Trinité
centre de convergence
de tous les cœur humains
il nous donne la vie
de la Divinité.

Sainte Thérèse Bénédicte de la Croix
(Edith Stein)

Le Sacré-Cœur représente toutes les puissances d'aimer, divines et humaines, qui sont en Notre-Seigneur.
Père Marie-Eugène de l'Enfant Jésus


feuille d'annonces de la Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre









The Cambrai Madonna

Notre Dame de Grâce

Cathédrale de Cambrai




Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris 


Ordinations du samedi 27 juin 2009 à Notre Dame de Paris

la vidéo sur KTO



Solennité de l’Immaculée Conception de la Vierge Marie à Notre-Dame de Paris


Notre-Dame des Victoires

... ma vocation, enfin je l’ai trouvée, ma vocation, c’est l’Amour !




Voyages de Benoît XVI



Saint Pierre et Saint André




Benedict XVI and Cypriot Archbishop Chrysostomos, Church of 

Salutation avec l'Archevêque Chrysostomos à l'église d' Agia Kyriaki Chrysopolitissa de Paphos, le vendredi 4 juin 2010




Benoît XVI en Terre Sainte  


Visite au chef de l'Etat, M. Shimon Peres

Visite au mémorial de la Shoah, Yad Vashem


Yahad-In Unum


Vicariat hébréhophone en Israël



Mgr Fouad Twal

Patriarcat latin de Jérusalem



Vierge de Vladimir  





31 décembre 2010 5 31 /12 /décembre /2010 05:00

Chantez au Seigneur un chant nouveau, chantez au Seigneur, terre entière, chantez au Seigneur et bénissez son nom !

De jour en jour, proclamez son salut, racontez à tous les peuples sa gloire, à toutes les nations ses merveilles !

Il est grand, le Seigneur, hautement loué, redoutable au-dessus de tous les dieux : néant, tous les dieux des nations !


Lui, le Seigneur, a fait les cieux : devant lui, splendeur et majesté, dans son sanctuaire, puissance et beauté.


Rendez au Seigneur, familles des peuples, rendez au Seigneur la gloire et la puissance, rendez au Seigneur la gloire de son nom.

Apportez votre offrande, entrez dans ses parvis, adorez le Seigneur, éblouissant de sainteté : tremblez devant lui, terre entière.


Allez dire aux nations : " Le Seigneur est roi !" Le monde, inébranlable, tient bon. Il gouverne les peuples avec droiture.


Joie au ciel ! Exulte la terre ! Les masses de la mer mugissent, la campagne tout entière est en fête.

Les arbres des forêts dansent de joie devant la face du Seigneur, car il vient, car il vient pour juger la terre.


Il jugera le monde avec justice, et les peuples selon sa vérité !


 Psaume 95


Christ entouré d'Anges Musiciens par Memling

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29 décembre 2010 3 29 /12 /décembre /2010 12:00


A Pakistani Christian woman prays during a morning Christmas service in a Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

A Pakistani Christian woman prays during a morning Christmas service in a Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


Pakistani Christians attend morning Christmas services in Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

Pakistani Christians attend morning Christmas services in Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


A Pakistani Christian woman prays during a morning Christmas service in a Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

A Pakistani Christian woman prays during a morning Christmas service in a Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


Pakistani Christians attend morning Christmas services at a Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

Pakistani Christians attend morning Christmas services at a Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


Pakistani Rev. Sohail Patrick leads morning Christmas services in Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

Pakistani Father Sohail Patrick leads morning Christmas services in Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


Pakistani Christians pray during morning Christmas services at a Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

Pakistani Christians pray during morning Christmas services at a Catholic Church in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.



Au Sacré Cœur de Jésus à Lahore

A Pakistani Christian woman prays during the midnight Christmas service at the Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010 in Lahore, Pakistan.

A Pakistani Christian woman prays during the midnight Christmas service at the Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010 in Lahore, Pakistan.


Pakistani Christians attend midnight Christmas service at the Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010 in Lahore, Pakistan.

Pakistani Christians attend midnight Christmas service at the Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010 in Lahore, Pakistan.


Pakistani Christians attend midnight Christmas service at the Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010 in Lahore, Pakistan.

Pakistani Christians attend midnight Christmas service at the Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010 in Lahore, Pakistan.


A Pakistani Christian girl prays during the midnight Christmas service at the Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010 in Lahore, Pakistan.

A Pakistani Christian girl prays during the midnight Christmas service at the Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010 in Lahore, Pakistan.



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27 décembre 2010 1 27 /12 /décembre /2010 05:00

ce que nous avons entendu, ce que nous avons contemplé de nos yeux, ce que nous avons vu et que nos mains ont touché, c'est le Verbe, la Parole de la vie.


Oui, la vie s'est manifestée, nous l'avons contemplée, et nous portons témoignage : nous vous annonçons cette vie éternelle qui était auprès du Père et qui s'est manifestée à nous.


Ce que nous avons contemplé, ce que nous avons entendu, nous vous l'annonçons à vous aussi, pour que, vous aussi, vous soyez en communion avec nous. Et nous, nous sommes en communion avec le Père et avec son Fils, Jésus Christ.


Et c'est nous qui écrivons cela, afin que nous ayons la plénitude de la joie.


Commencement de la première lettre de saint Jean



La Cène par Fray Nicolas Borras

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26 décembre 2010 7 26 /12 /décembre /2010 12:30

Christian devotees light candles before a Christmas mass at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad December 25, 2010.

Christian devotees light candles before a Christmas mass at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad December 25, 2010.  


Christian devotees attend a Christmas mass at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad December 25, 2010.

Christian devotees attend a Christmas mass at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad December 25, 2010.  


A shire with photographs of those killed in an attack is seen as Iraqi Christians take part in the Christmas day service at the Syriac Catholic Church of Our Lady of Deliverance/Salvation (Sayidat al-Nejat), in central Baghdad, on December 25, 2010, two months after a violent attack on worshippers in which 46 people were killed in a hostage situation in the church.

A shire with photographs of those killed in an attack is seen as Iraqi Christians take part in the Christmas day service at the Syriac Catholic Church of Our Lady of Deliverance/Salvation (Sayidat al-Nejat), in central Baghdad, on December 25, 2010, two months after a violent attack on worshippers in which 46 people were killed in a hostage situation in the church.

A shire with photographs of those killed in an attack is seen as Iraqi Christians take part in the Christmas day service at the Syriac Catholic Church of Our Lady of Deliverance/Salvation (Sayidat al-Nejat), in central Baghdad, on December 25, 2010, two months after a violent attack on worshippers in which 46 people were killed in a hostage situation in the church.


Christian devotees walk past a door damaged in the October 31 attack on Our Lady of Salvation church by gunmen, during a Christmas mass in Baghdad December 25, 2010.

Christian devotees walk past a door damaged in the October 31 attack on Our Lady of Salvation church by gunmen, during a Christmas mass in Baghdad December 25, 2010.


A shire with photographs of those killed in an attack is seen as Iraqi Christians take part in the Christmas day service at the Syriac Catholic Church of Our Lady of Deliverance/Salvation (Sayidat al-Nejat), in central Baghdad, on December 25, 2010, two months after a violent attack on worshippers in which 46 people were killed in a hostage situation in the church.

Iraqi Christians take part in the Christmas day service at the Syriac Catholic Church of Our Lady of Deliverance/Salvation (Sayidat al-Nejat), in central Baghdad, on December 25, 2010, two months after a violent attack on worshippers in which 46 people were killed in a hostage situation in the church.

Iraqi Christians take part in the Christmas day service at the Syriac Catholic Church of Our Lady of Deliverance/Salvation (Sayidat al-Nejat), in central Baghdad, on December 25, 2010, two months after a violent attack on worshippers in which 46 people were killed in a hostage situation in the church.


An Iraqi Christian boy takes part in the Christmas day service at the Syriac Catholic Church of Our Lady of Deliverance/Salvation (Sayidat al-Nejat), in central Baghdad, on December 25, 2010, two months after a violent attack on worshippers in which 46 people were killed in a hostage situation in the church.

An Iraqi Christian boy takes part in the Christmas day service at the Syriac Catholic Church of Our Lady of Deliverance/Salvation (Sayidat al-Nejat), in central Baghdad, on December 25, 2010, two months after a violent attack on worshippers in which 46 people were killed in a hostage situation in the church.


Pictures of slain Iraqi Christians are displayed during Mass at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010. Iraqi Christians are marking a somber Christmas in the face of repeated violence by militants intent on driving their beleaguered community from Iraq.


Iraqi Christians attend Mass at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Dec. 26, 2010. Iraqi Christians are marking a somber Christmas in the face of repeated violence by militants intent on driving their beleaguered community from Iraq.




A Muslim man prays among pictures of slain Iraqi Christians at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010. Iraqi Christians are marking a somber Christmas in the face of repeated violence by militants intent on driving their beleaguered community from Iraq.

A Muslim man prays among pictures of slain Iraqi Christians at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010. Iraqi Christians are marking a somber Christmas in the face of repeated violence by militants intent on driving their beleaguered community from Iraq. 


photos :

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25 décembre 2010 6 25 /12 /décembre /2010 17:30

Israeli mounted police officers escort the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal as he is driven from Jerusalem to attend Christmas celebrations in the West bank town of Bethlehem December 24, 2010.

Israeli mounted police officers escort the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal as he is driven from Jerusalem to attend Christmas celebrations in the West bank town of Bethlehem December 24, 2010.


Clergy wait for the arrival of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal outside the Church of the Nativity, the site revered as the birthplace of Jesus, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem December 24, 2010.

Clergy wait for the arrival of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal outside the Church of the Nativity, the site revered as the birthplace of Jesus, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem December 24, 2010.


A cross is held during Christmas celebrations outside the Church of Nativity, traditionally believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Thousands of tourists, pilgrims and clergy converged on Bethlehem on Friday as the town of Jesus' birth prepared to celebrate Christmas Eve.


Clerigy arrive in Manger Square outside the Church of the Nativity in the Biblical West Bank city of Bethlehem, believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on December 24, 2010 as the Holy Land prepares to mark Christmas.

Clerigy arrive in Manger Square outside the Church of the Nativity in the Biblical West Bank city of Bethlehem, believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on December 24, 2010 as the Holy Land prepares to mark Christmas.


The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal waves upon his arrival to the Church of the Nativity to attend Christmas celebrations in West Bank town of Bethlehem December 24, 2010.

The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal waves upon his arrival to the Church of the Nativity to attend Christmas celebrations in West Bank town of Bethlehem December 24, 2010.


Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, center, waves to the press before entering the Church of Nativity, traditionally believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, for Christmas celebrations in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Thousands of tourists, pilgrims and clergy converged on Bethlehem on Friday as the town of Jesus' birth prepared to celebrate Christmas Eve.

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, center, waves to the press before entering the Church of Nativity, traditionally believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, for Christmas celebrations in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Thousands of tourists, pilgrims and clergy converged on Bethlehem on Friday as the town of Jesus' birth prepared to celebrate Christmas Eve.


Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, attends Christmas celebrations at the Church of Nativity, traditionally believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Thousands of tourists, pilgrims and clergy converged on Bethlehem on Friday as the town of Jesus' birth prepared to celebrate Christmas Eve.

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, attends Christmas celebrations at the Church of Nativity, traditionally believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Thousands of tourists, pilgrims and clergy converged on Bethlehem on Friday as the town of Jesus' birth prepared to celebrate Christmas Eve.


A nun attends the Christmas midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

A nun attends the Christmas midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal leads Christmas midnight mass at the Church of the Nativity, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal leads Christmas midnight mass at the Church of the Nativity, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, left, attends the midnight Mass ceremony which marks the beginning of Christmas Day at the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, left, attends the midnight Mass ceremony which marks the beginning of Christmas Day at the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal leads the Christmas midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal leads the Christmas midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal leads the Christmas midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal leads the Christmas midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem early Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010.


A nun receives communion given by the head of the Roman Catholic Church in the Holy Land, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fuad Twal, during the Christmas day mass at the Church of the Nativity, believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on December 25, 2010.

A nun receives communion given by the head of the Roman Catholic Church in the Holy Land, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fuad Twal, during the Christmas day mass at the Church of the Nativity, believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on December 25, 2010


Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal carries a statue of the baby Jesus following the Christmas midnight mass at the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank town of Bethlehem. December 25, 2010.

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal carries a statue of the baby Jesus following the Christmas midnight mass at the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank town of Bethlehem. December 25, 2010.



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25 décembre 2010 6 25 /12 /décembre /2010 12:30

au programme :

- Bach, Schubert, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, Rachmaninov, Celoro

 - Textes bibliques et spirituels de Saint Bernard, Saint Jean de la Croix, Bienheureuse Elisabeth de la Trinité, Bienheureux Charles de Foucauld 
- Michael Lonsdale récitant et Nicolas Celoro au piano

Oratorio de Noël - Diocèse de Paris  


Chapelle du Val de Grâce 

Chapelle du Val-de-Grâce, ancienne Abbaye Royale du Val-de-Grâce

277 rue Saint Jacques Paris Ve Diocèse aux Armées Françaises : la Chapelle du Val-de-Grâce

photo :  


Nicolas Celoro joue Liszt, Rhapsodie hongroise n° 7, à la salle André Marchal, Paris VIIe
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25 décembre 2010 6 25 /12 /décembre /2010 10:00

Commencement de l'Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Jean


Au commencement était le Verbe, la Parole de Dieu, et le Verbe était auprès de Dieu, et le Verbe était Dieu.


Il était au commencement auprès de Dieu.


Par lui, tout s'est fait, et rien de ce qui s'est fait ne s'est fait sans lui.


En lui était la vie, et la vie était la lumière des hommes ; la lumière brille dans les ténèbres, et les ténèbres ne l'ont pas arrêtée.


Il y eut un homme envoyé par Dieu. Son nom était Jean. Il était venu comme témoin, pour rendre témoignage à la Lumière, afin que tous croient par lui. Cet homme n'était pas la Lumière, mais il était là pour lui rendre témoignage.


Le Verbe était la vraie Lumière, qui éclaire tout homme en venant dans le monde.


Il était dans le monde, lui par qui le monde s'était fait, mais le monde ne l'a pas reconnu.


Il est venu chez les siens, et les siens ne l'ont pas reçu.


Mais tous ceux qui l'ont reçu, ceux qui croient en son nom, il leur a donné de pouvoir devenir enfants de Dieu.


Ils ne sont pas nés de la chair et du sang, ni d'une volonté charnelle, ni d'une volonté d'homme : ils sont nés de Dieu.


Et le Verbe s'est fait chair, il a habité parmi nous, et nous avons vu sa gloire, la gloire qu'il tient de son Père comme Fils unique, plein de grâce et de vérité.


Jean Baptiste lui rend témoignage en proclamant : " Voici celui dont j'ai dit : Lui qui vient derrière moi, il a pris place devant moi, car avant moi il était."


Tous nous avons eu part à sa plénitude, nous avons reçu grâce après grâce : après la Loi communiquée par Moïse, la grâce et la vérité sont venues par Jésus Christ.


Dieu, personne ne l'a jamais vu ; le Fils unique, qui est dans le sein du Père, c'est lui qui a conduit à le connaître.




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